There are times when I love sitting in the library for hours, alone at a table where I can spread, sort, and re-spread all my things. It's amazing how fast a 2x2m table can be covered when it's my seat of choice. Wednesdays I have 3 hours to kill between lectures and tutorials. Seeing as I'm a week behind in the readings thanks to my books being late, I figured it would be a good chance to catch up. This is all well and good..... until we get to stats.
It's not that its boring, tedious, and in a slightly weird font.... it's that I've heard almost all of it before, and the odd times I do skip paragraphs.... or..... pages as the case has been sometimes, theres a couple of sentences that are actually relevant. Just can't win on that one. Would seem I'm left with no option but to reread everything.
The fact that the group learning wing (or as i like to call it - the side with beanbags and noise) has interesting paintings adorning each wall, and often, well, weird conversations floating through the air.... it's pretty easy to find a reason to stop reading about the ethics of conducting research.
For example..... I got to hear about the lifestyle of another student (in relation to questions from an assignment i myself had just finished writing), and stare in quiet thought at a photorealistic painting of a crouched woman on a blue background. Did I mention she's also stark naked? Further down theres a black/white airbrushed thing which looks like someone's put a giant line of masking tape through the middle for no reason.
Theres also a watercolour of the Coorong, and a strange perspective painting of a childrens room, at least 2.5m x 2.5m.
All the same things to me as last year. just as familiar. Doesnt stop me wondering how the hell they picked a naked lady to crouch amongst children.
I've done some quick maths about homework loads this year and almost had a freakout. I'm expecting stomach ulcers by the end of november if this keeps up. They certainly hit the ground running in 2nd year. I mean, I do like weekly assessments, because it means there isnt a huge one at the end.... but its still irritating how much extra effort is involved in researching 8 or so different topics.
Not to mention the $$$ I need for art supplies each week. Feel the most unprepared for that one. I'm out of practice of keeping an art diary........ I'm so into words these days that I forget to draw a lot of the time, whereas my tutor is drawing like....ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Shes doing it even when she talks to us sometimes. I wonder if she realises she's doing it??
Maybe I'll end up like that - the slightly eccentric one, who's always interesting, but slightly...... odd. At all times.
maybe I'm already like that.
With all the work we have to do I think I might go crazy if I don't get it in some distinct order soon.
Heres hoping I survive the semester.
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