Sunday, 22 February 2009

common courtesy, part 1

Gentlemen, I applaud you. a rarity these days of teenagers, my faith has been restored in the faithful upbringing of good men.
Ah, I sound like an old bat, not a 16 year old girl in a tizzy.
That's the huge advantage of being beyond my years sometimes, as irritating as it is for other people.
Modest much? I thought so.
I shall continue on this line of total pompousness to declare to the world that I am now the proud recipient of a Bronze Medallion for swimming.
Uber excited.
But that could just be because it's over and I passed the exam......

Now all I gots to do is waddle through is the 1500m race on Tuesday and the three races I'm in at swimming carnival.
I'm getting uncomfortably nervous just from writing it down.
Guess I better up my practice from the occasional jog around the block, to racing Nick on the track.
If I can beat him I'll sublimate from astonishment.

And once again I'm procrastinating the dreaded biology.
It isn't actually all that bad, I just don't know how to put all this information into a logical order so that I can use it to revise properly and then for the mid and end of year exams.


Though, all this procrastination is doing wonders for my touch typing and general speed..... Whoopee :)
Soon I'll be able to type and revise at the same time.

Haha score!

Nah, that'll never work, what with my personal concentration levels being as embarrassingly low as they are when it comes to homework.......


well, I shall begin, and then I shall rant a little more about how much I love polite boys (as opposed to the sex-obsessed / rude ones)


15 minutes

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